
Connectivism and digital story telling

George Siemens looks for new theories in our information society.
He focuses on connectivism. Look what he is talking about and think about the theory of Papert, mentioned before.

Another interesting development is digital story telling a form of audio blogging.
Especially in the frame of language acquisition it offers many possibilities in the hands of teachers with good knowledge of language development.
Some basic rules:
Point of view
Dramatic question
Emotional content
Gift of voice
Power of sound track


Winter in the Teutoburger Wald (Germany) Posted by Hello


Mindtools for mathetics

Some ideas for working with mathetical techniques.

Kann ich gut gebrauchen. Ursula, Linz



Das Wort Mathetik ist in den Niederlanden noch nicht „Salonfähig“. Der Begriff „leren leren“ wird da im Moment mehr verwendet. Aus der elektronischen Lernumgebung beim Buch „IKT-Didaktik“ stammt folgende kurzer Notiz über Mathetik.


Learning organisation

One of the champions of the learning organisation is Peter Senge. For mathetical activities in institutions his ideas are interesting.


Blog and mathetics

Wat is the position of a weblog in the discussion about mathetics? Does it contribute to mathetic behavior? Suzan Herzog presents an overview of literature where some answers are available.